The proposed policy threatens employment and in that it seeks to reduce the use of the riverside to land aggregates it would lead to a vast increase in the number of lorries on London's Roads including the A2 New Cross Road and A200 Evelyn Street. In order to comment you will need to register which will take 5 - 10 minutes, depending on how used you are to filling in online forms. The quality of what you say is more important than the quantity, but do not worry if you are unfamiliar with the planning system. However, positive comments about emphasizing employment work far more effectively than rants about losing jobs. Witty or sarcastic remarks tend to look pretty lame six months or a year down the road when reproduced in a report to a council committee. If all you want to say is that Greenwich should concentrate on employment then that is all you need to say.
I shall amongst other things be submitting that the masterplan should:
1. Place a greater emphasis on employment, in accordance with London Plan Targets.
2. Show proper regard to Safeguarded Wharves policy as set out in both the London Plan and the draft National Planning Policy Framework.
3. Be in accordance with the Borough's Core Strategy, which is yet to be finalised.
4. Be produced in an easy to use and print format (i.e. A4 portrait)
There are similar documents, in various shapes and sizes, regarding:
Greenwich Penisular West
Woolwich Town Centre
& Eltham Town Centre
As with Charlton comments have to be submitted by 9.00am Friday
I will comment on all three, if only to make the easy to use and print point.
Charlton is in zone 3 within London. (12 minutres from London Bridge). It is largely residential and with a good mix of private and social housing. Currently, New Charlton is a massive industrial estate which cannot be used for leisure (except for the Hope and Anchor Pub). Have a walk around and see how some of the facilities are derelict and obsolete. In one word the area is depressing.
ReplyDeleteThe river side has a potential to become an area which residents can enjoy. Cycle, walk, practice watersports... and basically enjoy life without dusty heavy industry.
Dusty heavy industry needs to be located in non residential areas. Whether we like it or not London is growing and Charlton is now a district within London. Most Charlton residents comute to work and business benefit from the moneys those workers bring from Central London.
I just hope this new scheme is going to take residents into account and design it in a way that the river side can be enjoyed by the comunity. It is a great assest and at the moment is wasted (in my opinion).
More residential dweling will mean more stress on transport and public services so hopefully the planners are looking at these kind of issues too...
The project could be brilliant or total disaster. Lets hope it is not the latter.
So you want more lorries on the roads, less jobs and fewer services.